Monday, July 30, 2007

Learning to use Technorati and Delicious, tags and organization of bookmarks was very odd. The examples that I viewed were strange and not necessarily things that I would spend my time on. I don't spend enough time on the computer to need these things, but I can see how computer maniacs would like them.

Friday, July 27, 2007

I just spent time on Library Think, which I think could be very useful. I think I will use it to keep track of the titles we use for our book discussions. It seems to be fairly straight-forward and user-friendly.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Wow! It's fun to make an avatar but very difficult to get it onto my blog. All the generators in the generator blog lead me to think there are a lot of people withh too much time on their hands. But the avatar think is cool.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

RSS feeds could be a lot of fun for people who actually want to want the latest news and joke of the day. There is so much info and entertainment on the web that you could conceivably sit in front of the screen 24 hours a day. Computers will probably someday come with built-in refridgerators - you'd never have to leave your chair.
Well, I've finally explored mashups, Flickr tools and all the wild things you can do with photos. You really need to have a lot of free time to take advantage of all the possibilities, including making up your own uses. I will come back to all this when I retire and have time to play with it all. Right now I think I'll doing great just uploading photos to Flickr. Hopefully, I will have photos of Italy in the fall.